Detailed Marketing Strategy of Wipro-Case Study

Updated on: Jul 16, 2024

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This Wipro case study delves into the marketing strategy of Wipro, showcasing how the tech giant leverages innovative techniques to stay competitive. Discover the strategies of Wipro company, from digital marketing to advertising campaigns, that highlight its global reach and impact.

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Wipro, an Indian multinational corporation, specialises in information technology, consultancy, and business process services.

In this case study on the marketing strategy of Wipro, we will take a deeper look into the company and gain insights into its marketing mix, competitors, and social media presence.

About Wipro

Marketing Strategy of Wipro - Wipro Office

Source: Google

Wipro, founded in 1945 by Mohamed Premji, started as a vegetable oil manufacturer before transforming into a global leader in IT services, consulting, and business solutions. The company’s mission is to leverage technology to drive sustainable growth and innovation. Known for its strong focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, Wipro consistently ranks among the top IT service providers worldwide.


Updated Statistics

To better understand the current standing of Wipro, let’s delve into some key statistics that highlight the company’s performance and market presence. These figures provide valuable insights for this case study on Wipro:

  • Revenue: Wipro’s revenue for the fiscal year 2023 was $11 billion, reflecting a 5% year-on-year growth (Source: Wipro Annual Report 2023)
  • Market Share: Wipro holds approximately 7% of the global IT services market (Source: Gartner, 2023)
  • Employee Strength: As of 2023, Wipro employs over 220,000 people across 60 countries (Source: Wipro Annual Report 2023)


What’s new with Wipro

In this case study on Wipro, we explore the latest developments that highlight the company’s continuous growth and innovation.

Business News

Wipro has unveiled a new strategic partnership with Google Cloud aimed at accelerating digital transformation for enterprises worldwide.

Product Launch

In 2024, Wipro launched its advanced cybersecurity platform, leveraging AI to enhance threat detection and response capabilities.

Marketing News

Wipro’s latest marketing initiative focuses on promoting its ‘Sustainability as a Service’ offering, highlighting the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

Celebrity News

Wipro collaborated with renowned tech influencer, Linus Sebastian, to endorse its new range of consumer technology solutions.
These updates illustrate how Wipro’s dynamic approach keeps it at the forefront of the industry, reinforcing the marketing strategy of Wipro to stay relevant and influential.

Target Audience of Wipro

The target group of Wipro includes businesses of all sizes (CEOs, CIOs, CTOs), industry-specific professionals (e.g., healthcare, finance, manufacturing), government agencies and officials, technology partners and alliances, investors and shareholders, as well as job seekers and employees.

Buyer Persona

Understanding the typical buyer persona can help tailor the strategies of Wipro company to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Buyer’s Persona






30 years


IT Director


  • Businesses seeking reliable IT solutions, innovation, and sustainable growth

Interest & Hobbies

  • Technology, business strategy, sustainability initiatives

Pain Points

  • Need for scalable IT solutions, cybersecurity concerns, pressure to innovate

Social Media Presence

  • Active on LinkedIn, Twitter, and professional tech forums

This detailed buyer persona helps Wipro create targeted marketing strategies that resonate with its audience, ensuring better engagement and customer satisfaction.


Marketing Strategy of Wipro

marketing strategy of wipro - Wipro Employees

Source: Google

Wipro employs a diversified marketing strategy to maintain its competitive edge. The company focuses on thought leadership, leveraging white papers, webinars, and industry events to establish itself as a market leader.

Additionally, Wipro invests heavily in digital marketing, using data-driven insights to target specific customer segments. An analysis of these strategies shows a strong alignment with industry trends, ensuring Wipro remains relevant and influential.

Wipro’s focus on digital channels highlights the importance of understanding digital marketing’s nuances. Courses like a PGDM in Digital Marketing cover essential aspects such as data analytics, customer segmentation, and targeted advertising, all of which are pivotal in modern marketing. By exploring these elements through a structured program, individuals can develop the expertise required to drive success in today’s digital-centric market.

Let us now look at the Wipro case study in more detail to understand the marketing strategy of Wipro. This includes the 7Ps of the marketing mix and digital presence.

Marketing Mix of Wipro

Marketing Mix is the set of actions that a company follows to promote its brand or product. The firm uses such tactics to pursue its objectives in the target market. Let us have a deeper understanding of Wipro’s marketing mix.


marketing strategy of wipro - wipro products

Source: Google

Wipro is a well-recognised company that provides top-notch products and solutions in the IT industry. Being one of the largest conglomerates (Diversified multi-industry companies) it offers a wide range of products across various sectors, including automobile, consumer goods, retail, professional services, and product engineering.

The company’s product offerings encompass IT services, business process engineering, consulting and analytics, applications, infrastructure services, data, cybersecurity, and mobility solutions. Wipro’s IT products include hardware for security, networking, and computing, as well as software products for database and integration.

In digital services, Wipro focuses on strategy, organisation design, digital fitness, customer journey engineering, and user experience design. The company serves diverse industries such as retail, oil and gas, healthcare, medical devices, insurance, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, automobile, and consumer electronics.

This comprehensive range of offerings is highlighted in this Wipro case study, demonstrating the company’s expansive reach and expertise in providing industry-leading solutions.


Its pricing policy is widespread and diversified as its product portfolio. It targets big enterprises, that require IT services and solutions. They have positioned themselves as the company that offers a wide range of services with high-quality products. The company adopts a competitive pricing strategy that is dependent on several factors. This is also a major marketing strategy of Wipro. It mainly offers prices lower than its competitors which helps them stand out in the market.


Wipro may have its roots in Bangalore, India, but its reach extends far beyond. Incorporated in Maharashtra, this tech giant uses its strategic location to connect with the international market.

Think you’ll only find Wipro in big cities? Think again! Their FMCG products are readily available everywhere, from bustling supermarkets to your friendly neighborhood convenience store. Their robust distribution network ensures their presence in both urban and rural areas, making their products accessible to everyone.

While their offices are primarily located in cities for swift operations, Wipro’s reach is truly global. They can handle business dealings from anywhere in the world, showcasing their agility and adaptability in the ever-evolving business landscape.


marketing strategy of wipro - mobile promotion

Source: Google

Promotion is an integral part of the marketing strategy of Wipro.

They spend a lot of revenue on promotional activities to stay ahead of their competitors. The promotion strategy primarily includes television, billboards, radio, magazines, and advertisements for consumer durable goods.

They advertise heavily on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook as well as on their website. It also takes part in various CSR activities to create brand visibility.


Wipro focuses on both buyers and employees, ensuring they have the best expertise in the IT industry. They recruit from top engineering and management universities and hire top human resource consultancy services. Their process combines expertise and experience to satisfy clients, guarantees free services to staff and clients, and ensures that customers don’t face any issues while using their services. Wipro maintains high standards and a clear process.

In terms of physical evidence, Wipro has major Selective Economic Zones across India and collaborates with various organisations globally, with a primary focus on urban and metropolitan cities. Wipro also has a robust digital presence that we can explore. Let’s understand its digital presence in this case study of Wipro company, which highlights the marketing strategy of Wipro effectively.

Digital Marketing Strategies of Wipro

In this case study on Wipro, we explore the digital marketing strategies that helped the company maintain its competitive edge in the IT industry.

SEO Strategy

Wipro optimises its website content for keywords(Words or phrases people use to search online) like ‘IT solutions,’ ‘digital transformation,’ and ‘cybersecurity,’ ensuring high search engine visibility.

SMM Strategy

marketing strategy of wipro - social media platforms_11zon

Source: Google

A strong online presence is vital in today’s digital landscape, shaping how your brand is perceived across social media platforms can directly impact sales. Thus becoming an important part of the marketing strategy of Wipro. Let’s explore Wipro’s digital footprint on key platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.

Wipro’s Facebook page attracts a significant audience and strong engagement, enhancing its digital presence. On LinkedIn, Wipro excels by connecting with industry experts, showcasing its skills, and building essential B2B relationships.

The company’s Instagram account displays engaging visuals, offering insights into its culture, innovations, and creative endeavours. What’s more – With an active Twitter profile, Wipro keeps its followers informed, engages in real-time conversations, and remains at the forefront of industry developments.

This robust social media strategy ensures Wipro maintains a powerful online influence across multiple platforms.

E-commerce Strategy

Wipro offers its products and services through an online portal, providing seamless access to its solutions for businesses worldwide.

Mobile App

The Wipro app provides clients with real-time access to project updates, support services, and industry insights.

Influence Marketing Strategy

Wipro collaborates with industry influencers and thought leaders to expand its reach and build credibility.

These digital marketing strategies highlight how Wipro leverages modern marketing techniques to stay relevant and influential, reinforcing the strategies of Wipro company discussed in this case study.


Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

marketing strategy of wipro - Wipro's Forward Together campaign

Source: Google

Wipro’s ‘Forward Together’ campaign aimed to showcase the company’s commitment to innovation and collaboration. The campaign, featuring real-life client success stories, resonated with audiences, enhancing Wipro’s brand perception and client engagement.

The brand faces a lot of competition, hence before we conclude the marketing strategy of Wipro let’s look at its competitors below.

But before that, for those interested in learning more about digital marketing strategies, enrolling in digital marketing courses in Delhi, digital marketing courses in Faridabad, or digital marketing courses in Lucknow can be highly beneficial.

Additionally, you can learn all about digital marketing at the Institute of Digital Marketing, which offers comprehensive programs to enhance your digital marketing skills. These programs cover everything from basic concepts to advanced strategies, ensuring a well-rounded education in digital marketing.


Failed Campaigns

Challenge: In 2017, Wipro encountered a significant data security challenge when a data breach exposed sensitive customer information. This incident raised questions about Wipro’s cybersecurity measures.

Backlash: The data breach triggered a backlash from clients, leading to diminished trust in Wipro’s data protection capabilities. Widespread media coverage amplified the negative publicity.

Brand Response: Wipro promptly acknowledged the breach, notified affected clients, and initiated an internal investigation. They implemented heightened security protocols and prioritised transparency.

Campaign Adjustment: Wipro did not have an active campaign associated with the breach. However, they temporarily scaled back marketing efforts to focus on resolving security issues. Their actions aimed to rebuild trust and reinforce cybersecurity practices.

The data breach emphasised the importance of data security, and Wipro’s proactive response contributed to the gradual restoration of trust. This shows that Wipro tries its best to retain its users. Hence, They continuously work on their marketing strategy to retain the users and acquire new customers.


Top 5 Competitors of Wipro

TCS (Tata Consultancy Services): TCS is one of the largest IT services and consulting companies globally, with a strong presence in India and a vast international client base. They are known for their comprehensive range of IT solutions and digital transformation services, catering to various industries.

Infosys: Infosys is a multinational corporation providing IT consulting and services. They are recognised for their innovation in software development and digital solutions. Infosys has a global reach and a reputation for delivering high-quality services to clients.

Cognizant: Cognizant is a multinational technology company specialising in IT services, digital transformation, and consulting. They are known for their expertise in areas like artificial intelligence and data analytics, providing cutting-edge solutions to clients worldwide.

Accenture: Accenture is a global consulting and professional services firm, offering a wide range of services, including technology and digital solutions. They are renowned for their strategic insights and helping businesses navigate complex challenges.

HCL Technologies: HCL Technologies is an Indian multinational IT services and consulting company. They have a strong presence in the IT industry, focusing on digital transformation, cloud computing, and cybersecurity services. HCL is recognised for its customer-centric approach and innovative solutions.


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This case study on Wipro’s marketing strategy highlights the company’s innovative approach to maintaining its competitive edge. By leveraging a mix of digital and traditional marketing strategies, Wipro continues to lead the way in IT services and consulting, adapting to the ever-evolving market landscape. For those interested in the field, there are excellent resources available to enhance your skills, such as a free digital marketing certification, and even a free ChatGPT course.

Wipro’s strategy focuses on thought leadership, utilizing white papers, webinars, and industry events to establish itself as a market leader. The company’s significant investment in digital marketing, guided by data-driven insights, allows it to target specific customer segments effectively. This analysis demonstrates a strong alignment with industry trends, ensuring Wipro remains relevant and influential.

To fully understand the intricacies of Wipro’s approach, it is essential to delve into the 7Ps of the marketing mix and their digital presence. This detailed examination offers valuable insights, especially for those pursuing advanced education in this field.

Wipro’s emphasis on digital channels underscores the importance of mastering the nuances of digital marketing. Online digital marketing courses in India cover essential aspects such as data analytics, customer segmentation, and targeted advertising, all of which are pivotal in modern marketing. By exploring these elements through a structured program, individuals can develop the expertise required to drive success in today’s digital-centric market.

Additionally, to further enhance your knowledge and skills, consider attending a make money from home free masterclass. This can provide practical strategies and insights applicable to real-world scenarios. Exploring various digital marketing blogs and digital marketing case studies is also beneficial, as these resources offer valuable insights and practical strategies for application in real-world scenarios.

Thank you for your time. If you found this case study useful, do share it with your friends. Also, let us know your thoughts about this case study in the comment section below. Engaging with these resources and continually expanding your knowledge can significantly impact your career in digital marketing.

FAQs About Ambuja Cement’s Marketing Strategy

Q1. What is the primary focus of Wipro's marketing strategy?

Wipro's marketing strategy primarily focuses on promoting digital transformation and sustainability.

Q2. What is Wipro's tagline?

Wipro's tagline is ‘Applying Thought’.

Q3. Who is Wipro's target audience?

Wipro targets businesses seeking IT solutions, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Q4. What are some of Wipro's flagship products?

Wipro's flagship products include its digital transformation services, cybersecurity solutions, and cloud offerings.

Q5. How does Wipro use social media in its marketing strategy?

Wipro uses social media to share industry insights, and case studies, and engage with a professional audience.

Q6. What are some recent product launches by Wipro?

Recently, Wipro launched an advanced cybersecurity platform and expanded its cloud services.

Q7. How has Wipro expanded its service offerings?

Wipro has expanded into digital transformation, cloud services, and sustainability solutions.

Q8. What digital marketing strategies does Wipro employ?

Wipro uses SEO, social media marketing, e-commerce strategies, mobile apps, and influencer collaborations in its digital marketing efforts.

Q9. Who are Wipro's top competitors?

TCS, Infosys, HCL Technologies, Cognizant, and Tech Mahindra are Wipro's top competitors.

Q10. What was the controversy around Wipro's failed AI campaign?

The controversy involved overpromising AI capabilities, leading to client dissatisfaction and media backlash.

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Author's Note:

My name is Aditya Shastri and I have written this case study with the help of my students from IIDE's online digital marketing courses in India.

Practical assignments, case studies & simulations helped the students from this course present this analysis.

Building on this practical approach, we are now introducing a new dimension for our online digital marketing course learners - the Campus Immersion Experience.

If you found this case study helpful, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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Aditya Shastri

Lead Trainer & Head of Learning & Development at IIDE

Leads the Learning & Development segment at IIDE. He is a Content Marketing Expert and has trained 6000+ students and working professionals on various topics of Digital Marketing. He has been a guest speaker at prominent colleges in India including IIMs......[Read full bio]



    Quite insightful, Just the thing I was looking for. Thanks!

  2. manavarthi sahithya

    The information is helpful. Marketers seeking to understand how Wipro’s marketing strategies, objectives, and offers valuable insights for companies looking to emulate Wipro’s success in the competitive IT landscape.

  3. Kiran maurya

    “Insightful analysis! Wipro’s diverse marketing mix and digital prowess set it apart in a competitive landscape.”


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