Best Digital Marketing Resume Writing Tips and Hacks: Quick Guide

Updated on: Aug 17, 2021

The digital marketing field is cut-throat when it comes to competition. In 2021, India’s digital marketing industry reached an astonishing 601 million. The number of users in India has risen by 38% at an extremely fast pace. What distinguishes one candidate from another when it comes to job opportunities is her/his Digital Marketing Resume.

If you’re looking for a job in the field, you need a well-written resume to really stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re looking for the role of an intern or an experienced manager, this applies to all candidates.

A resume is very important as it is like a professional statement and you have only a few minutes to really capture the attention of a human resources executive. We recommend that you read How to Make a Resume which is Perfect to Catch HR’s attention along with this blog article. 

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Digital Marketing Resume Format

Digital marketing resume -format

As a rule of thumb, a good format for any kind of resume breaks or makes your chances. You want your resume to be well structured and not be an assemblage of information.

  • Always start with a catchy introduction paragraph which is like a summary of your entire resume. Include what interests you, a little bit about your qualifications, your career journey, and what you wish to accomplish. 

For e.g. I am a Bachelor’s in Mass Media graduate from X university with 4 years of relevant work experience in SEO marketing. I am self-driven and aspire to expand my knowledge and skills through the SEO senior manager position.

  • Move on to relevant work experience which we have highlighted further
  • Highlight your qualifications 
  • List your skills (both soft and hard skills)
  • End with personal interests (these need to add value as well. For e.g., mention you are an avid reader if you wish to apply for a digital content writer position)

Now that we have outlined the structure for your digital marketing resume, read on to know what you should include in it with some tips and tricks. 

Things to Mention in Your Digital Marketing Resume

A Digital Marketing Resume must be creative and unique but certain features are mandatory to mention in the resume which I have mentioned below- 

1. Digital Marketing Resume Objective

It is very important to outline the objective of why you’re applying for the job, how you can help the company grow, and what you’re looking for. It is like a summary of your digital marketing resume. Most employers look for employees who are willing to put in the effort to grow the company and also grow within the company. Write this from the perspective of how you can be an asset to the company. 

2. Customize Your Resume to The Job Post

The digital marketing world is very diverse. This means that different skill-sets and qualifications are required for different job roles. A small hack here – focus on the skill-set requirement in the job posting. Read on to know some popular digital marketing roles and what information you can include for each role-

  • Digital Marketing Manager – A digital marketing manager supervises and analyzes various campaigns and makes sure that all the marketing efforts are running smoothly. For this particular job role, bring out your managerial skills and past experience, and accolades.
  • Content Marketing Manager Post– This job role includes creativity and managerial skills. Give examples of previous campaigns and clients that you worked with. Since content and SEO go hand-in-hand, also highlight your SEO knowledge using various SEO marketing tools.
  • SEO Manager – This role only focuses on your SEO knowledge and skills. Here, you can mention your familiarity working with SEO software such as SEMrush, Google Analytics, etc. Mention keywords campaigns and how you carry out site audits for best results. Check out How to do Keyword Research to add to your resume.
  • Graphic Designer – For a graphic designer role, your portfolio speaks immensely of your skills but so does your resume. Include a little about your communication skills as well and how you can decode any brief with ease. List your technical skills related to various graphic design software as well as your managerial skills.

Check out – Digital Marketing Career Scope in 2021.

3. Spell out the Numbers for Your Achievements 

The best way to have a big impact on your hiring manager is to spell out the numbers. Anyone can write that their campaign was a great success, but to really stand out – state your success with numbers. How do you do this? Have a look at these examples –

  • An increase in sales (include percentage)
  • Increase in web traffic (include percentage)
  • Include open rate and click-through rate for emails
  • Growth in the mailing list (total number of new subscribers)

Here is an example – we were able to achieve a 30% increase in conversion rates with a 20% increase in our web traffic through our SEO marketing efforts. 

Once you start adding numbers, it also increases your credibility as your achievements are backed by data and it seems more genuine. 

Bonus Read – 6 Best Digital Marketing Strategies and Tips on How to Form One.

4. Work Experience

Work experience is extremely important for experienced professionals as this is the area where most employers jump to. They want to know if you have relevant work experience and this is where you can prove yourself. You need to be precise, clear and have an impact on the reader.  Use a standard template for a structure such as this one- 

  • Company Name, Location 
  • Designation 
  • Amount of time you worked here
  • Key Responsibilities
  • Key Achievements 
  • Learnings and Key Take-aways

We recommend that you follow this format and keep it as crisp as possible, whilst mentioning relevant achievements. Include numbers and palpable, fact-based examples in your achievements and learnings. 

Now let’s take a look at some of the skills you should be mentioning on your digital marketing resume. 

Skills for Digital Marketing Resume

Highlight your digital marketing skills as much as possible. Successful digital marketers need both hard and soft skills.

Some digital marketing soft skills you should be including in your resume include –

  • Adaptability
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation
  • Team Building
  • Time Management Skills
  • Good Communication Skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • People Skills
  • Up-to-date with trends
  • Keen learning Spirit

Include technical skills in your resume such as –

  • Basic SEO knowledge using software such as Google Analytics, SEMrush and Google Search Console
  • Microsoft Office 
  • Paid ads for social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Email marketing using software such as Mailchimp
  • Basic Web Analytics with Google Analytics
  • HTML, CSS, JAVAscript knowledge
  • Adobe Creative Suite knowledge

Emphasize the skills you know well and the ones that are relevant to the job profile, do not mention skills that are irrelevant for the sake of putting them in. Along with skills, it is also important to highlight the skill-related digital marketing resume keywords. 

This will help your resume to get past the applicant tracking system (ATS) that many blue-chip companies use. Take a look at the job listing and accordingly include them along with the important skills mentioned. 

Bonus Read – Top 10 Digital Marketing Careers to Consider.

Digital Marketing Resume Tips for Different Experience Levels

Here we have listed some tips for different job roles and experience levels – 

  • Digital Marketing Internship Resume – Firstly, always make your resume relevant to the position offered. If it is for an SEO team intern, highlight what interests you and make yourself familiar with all the top SEO trends, campaigns, and tools. It is very important for an intern to make it very clear that he or she is willing to learn on the job in the resume. Check out these digital marketing tools that you need to know to ace the interview once you have been shortlisted.

Bonus Read – Why you Should Choose a Digital Marketing Course after 12th Grade.

  • Digital Marketing Executive Resume – With so much competition in the market, what makes you different? Make sure your resume is backed by numbers to really make your digital marketing CV shine. Include the digital marketing campaign that you worked on in your previous company. This is how you can show actual proof of your skills.
  • Freelance Digital Marketing Resume – Just like any other resume, a freelance digital marketing resume follows the same format. However, what you need to do differently is really highlight your project accomplishments, who your client base is and with their permission, include testimonials. Include your website link or your portfolio or page link so the client can know more about your work. If you’re considering freelancing, we recommend reading Benefits of Freelance Digital Marketing Jobs in India.

Digital Marketing Resume Sample

Digital marketing resume

Get Assured Placements - PG in Digital Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

1. Is digital marketing a good career?

With the rise of the internet and more businesses going online due to the pandemic, content strategy, digital marketing and social media-related jobs have been in demand. With skills in SEO, SEM, and business development you can land a lucrative job easily. We recommend that you read – Here’s why a digital marketing job is the best career opportunity. 

2. How do I land a job in digital marketing with no prior experience?

Many people land jobs in digital marketing with no experience or even relevant qualifications. What counts is that you have the zeal to learn, have knowledge of the industry, and lastly, have basic technical knowledge of the software. Stay updated on new trends, take tutorials or do a short course for the tools and read up on case studies. Check out our online digital marketing course that’ll make you industry-ready and offer placement assistance. 

3. What are the highest paying jobs in digital marketing?

SEO/ SEM specialists, content strategists, brand managers, marketing analysts, and digital media managers have some of the highest paying jobs in digital marketing. Up-skilling and learning are very important.

Check out – MBA Salaries in India

To Conclude,

We do hope that our article could give you some direction with your digital marketing resume. A quick tip to end with is to always have a strong and concise cover letter that summarizes your resume stating why you’re applying to the open position in the company.

If you’re looking for an intensive program to upskill and brush up on your managerial skills, we recommend that you have a look at our 11-month MBA-Level Post Graduation in Digital Marketing at IIDE. It includes a capstone project, interview training, and personal career guidance as well.

That’s all from us. Do let us know what you thought of this blog in the comments below.

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  1. Soham Mudliyar

    “This comprehensive guide on crafting a digital marketing resume is incredibly helpful! The structured format, detailed breakdown of key elements, and specific tips for different experience levels offer valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their CV. The emphasis on quantifying achievements and tailoring the resume to specific job roles is a standout feature. The inclusion of real-world examples and practical advice adds immense value. Thank you for sharing this thorough resource!”

  2. Srushti Sawant

    Crafting a standout digital marketing resume requires a strategic approach. We can start by showcasing quantifiable achievements and skills relevant to the industry. Tailor your resume to each job application, emphasizing results-driven campaigns and proficiency with digital tools. The use of clear, concise language and bullet points is essential to highlight your experience effectively. Incorporate keywords from job descriptions to optimize for applicant tracking systems. Lastly, proofread meticulously to ensure error-free presentation. These tips can significantly enhance your chances of landing your desired digital marketing role.

  3. Srushti Sawant

    Great guide! These tips offer a clear roadmap for crafting a standout digital marketing resume. Focusing on quantifiable achievements and relevant skills can definitely make a difference. I appreciate the emphasis on tailoring the resume for specific roles and showcasing creativity while maintaining professionalism. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!

  4. Sushmita Biswas

    When you’re making a resume for digital marketing jobs, pay close attention to the details. Talk about your specific accomplishments and skills that matter for this field. Keep your words short and use action words to show what you’ve done. Match your resume to the job you’re applying for, focusing on the things that fit best. Use important words and numbers that show how good you are. And make sure to check for mistakes carefully. These ideas will help you make a great resume that gets noticed in digital marketing.

  5. Tanisha Varde

    In today’s competitive job market, crafting a standout digital marketing resume is crucial. Highlighting key skills like SEO optimization, content strategy, and social media management can grab the attention of potential employers. Don’t forget to showcase tangible results and quantify achievements where possible. Emphasizing adaptability to evolving digital trends and technologies can further strengthen your resume. Remember, simplicity and clarity are key—make sure your resume is easy to read and navigate. A well-crafted digital marketing resume can open doors to exciting career opportunities in the ever-expanding digital landscape.

  6. Soham Patil

    Crafting a strong digital marketing resume is crucial for showcasing your skills and experience effectively. Focusing on relevant achievements, certifications, and specific digital marketing tools can make your resume stand out to potential employers. It’s also essential to tailor your resume to each job application to highlight the most relevant experiences. This blog provides valuable insights and tips for creating a compelling resume in the digital marketing field. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Tajagna Multani

    In the current job environment, creating a compelling CV for digital marketing is essential. Making a digital marketing resume includes to present our accomplishments and abilities. Additionally, it’s critical to personalize your CV for every job application and highlight your adaptability and inventiveness. Aim to be brief and clear; don’t use a lot of jargon. I hope your job search goes well! Great guide !!

  8. Taher kaderji

    Great post on digital marketing resumes! I found your insights to be incredibly helpful. It’s crucial for job seekers in the digital marketing field to highlight their skills and achievements in a concise and organized manner. Your tips on showcasing relevant experience, including measurable results, and emphasizing digital marketing certifications are spot-on. Additionally, your advice on tailoring the resume to match the job description is invaluable. Overall, this post is a valuable resource for anyone looking to create a standout digital marketing resume. Well done!

  9. smriti dubey

    Creating a strong resume for digital marketing is super important nowadays because there are lots of people applying for jobs. This blog really helps in highlighting the need of skills that matter for the job, like SEO or social media. A good resume can help you get cool jobs in the digital marketing industry. This blog was a great reminder to level up with courses. All in all, a super helpful article.


      I totally agree with you

  10. Abhinav Uppal

    Your resume guide for digital marketing is amazing! It breaks down the process into simple steps, offering valuable tips and insights. Do we have to follow the same format for the resume or can we use other formats too?


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