Quick Guide on Instagram Best Practices in 2024

Updated on: Feb 8, 2022

With Instagram being one of the most popular social media networks in the world, you can’t afford to not be on the platform. You can’t simply create an account and leave it at that. Your online presence needs to have an impact and also generate a sort of business value. 

To strive in an Instagram business, it is important to understand some of the best Instagram content examples and practices that you can apply to your brand. If you wish to upskill yourself with expert mentors, enroll in this online Instagram ads course.

Let’s have a look at some of the Instagram best practices, Instagram best practices 2022 and Instagram best practices 2023, best practices for Instagram posts, and more. 

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Instagram Best Practices: Content-Wise

We have listed a few Instagram best practices, on the basis of content categories. 

1. Instagram best practices for stories 

Some of the Instagram stories best practices include –

  • Add Gifs and stickers appropriately
  • Stay consistent with your page aesthetics
  • Stay on top of news feeds by adding to your stories consistently 
  • Run polls to engage with your audience
  • Prepare stories ahead of time
  • Adapt certain posts into stories

2. Instagram best practices for reels

Some reels Instagram best practices include – 

  • Shoot reels in high-quality
  • Post authentic content
  • Add appropriate music
  • Create unique videos
  • Repurpose your best content with Instagram reels

3. Instagram best practices for stories ads

Some Instagram ad stories best practices are – 

  • Make sure that the first few seconds of your ad are interesting
  • The message needs to be as clear as possible
  • Make sure the video is concise
  • Plugin your brand properly
  • Position your text well 
  • Try and collaborate with influencers right for your brand

4. Instagram best practices for ads

Some Instagram ad best practices are – 

  • Test different types of formats
  • Include captions for your videos
  • Choose pictures that are aesthetic for Instagram  
  • Make segmented ad lists
  • Do not clutter the ad with text – keep it as visual as possible

5. Instagram best practices for live

Some Instagram live best practices include – 

  • Choosing good, engaging topics
  • Save your live video by changing the settings
  • Promote your live stream in advance
  • Pin your title
  • Add a friend to your live video
  • Log in at the given time
  • Make a post on your live video

6. Instagram best practices for post

Some Instagram post best practices are –

  • Keep posting
  • Do not spam your followers
  • Visually maintain the brand consistency
  • Make use of user-generated content
  • Direct your followers to your website
  • Use Instagram stories for light content
  • Posts should be used for imparting important information and promoted on stories if necessary
  • Use hashtags
  • Invest in SEO for Instagram posts

7. Instagram best practices for video

Some Instagram video best practices –

  • Design your videos such that it is mobile responsive
  • Prompt your brand in the first few seconds of the video
  •  Keep the Instagram video length best suited for your audience
  • Avoid adding too much text. Keep it as visual as possible
  • Use a good thumbnail
  • Add appropriate music
  • Add captions if needed
  • The video needs to be high-quality

8. Instagram best practices for bio

Here are a few Instagram bio best practices – 

  • Understand your end foal
  • Your brand personality needs to come out in your bio
  • Keep it formal or quirky based on your brand
  • It needs to be easy to read and not complicated
  • Add your website link and any other profile links
  • The call-to-action needs to be compelling
  • Update your contact details

9. Instagram best practices for hashtags

  • Use insights to understand which hashtags work best
  • Do not use controversial hashtags
  • Avoid any irrelevant hashtags 
  • You can include hashtags on Instagram stories
  • Your hashtag needs to be direct – avoid using any cryptic hashtags

Instagram Best Practices: Industry-Wise

Listed below are some Instagram best practices for different industries – 

1. Instagram best practices for brands

  • Make the logo of your brand the profile photo on your Instagram profile
  • Do not follow too many people or brands
  • Follow only relevant companies and influencers
  • Collaborate with influencers
  • Set up your Instagram shop if you have products to sell
  • Use Instagram reels
  • Post during the right timing
  • Use analytics to analyze your performance 

2. Instagram best practices for non-profit organizations

  • Include your website link in your bio
  • Connect your Instagram to your Facebook 
  • Tag other organizations in your content if you’ve done a collaboration with them
  • Schedule posts at the right time
  • Add behind-the-scenes photos and videos to show what went into making the event a success
  • Repurpose old content

With a good digital marketing strategy, non-profit organizations will be able to attract more attention to their brand. Watch this video to know about the best digital marketing strategies for non-profit organizations- 

3. Instagram best practices for restaurants

  • Hire a professional
  • Make sure your images are visual
  • Create Instagram stories
  • Post reels
  • Post reviews that add value
  • Establish your content buckets
  • Promote your brand with food bloggers
  • Highlight your best dishes
  • Include the location and address of your restaurant

4. Instagram best practices for artists

  • Use your best visuals
  • Add good captions, that are witty and not lengthy
  • Mention the materials used
  • Add any art shows that you displayed at
  • Tag people from the industry if you have had any collaborations
  • Use the right hashtags
  • Invite note-worthy people to your event and add their pictures to your profile

5. Instagram best practices for give-aways

  • Choose the type of Instagram give-away
  • Select an appropriate give-away
  • Come up with a hashtag for your campaign
  • Create hype over the announcement
  • Promote the giveaway
  • Do not over-complicate the steps. Keep it simple
  • Announce the winners that have fulfilled the steps
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Q. What are the dos and don’ts of Instagram?

Some of the dos and don’ts of Instagram are – 


  • Post-high-quality photos
  • Be consistent
  • Try and become an authority account

Don’ts – 

  • Don’t spam people
  • Do not overuse hashtags
  • Don’t post when the engagement is low

Q. What type of content works best on Instagram?

The best kind of Instagram content includes –

  • Influencer posts
  • User-generated content
  • Tutorials
  • Community engagement 

Q. What are the four best practices for social media users?

  • Post consistently
  • Maintain a brand voice
  • Know your target audience
  • Choose the right time to post


We really hope that you enjoyed reading this article on Instagram best practices.  Let us know in the comments below what are the best Instagram practices that you use for your brand.

We recommend this online short course in digital marketing if you’re looking to expand your knowledge in the field.

This MBA in Digital Marketing will add lots of value to your resume and give you an edge over other strategists. Reach out to our team at IIDE for guidance to identify the right path for you.

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Aneri Joshi

Digital Marketing Consultant & Trainer at IIDE

A digital marketing consultant with over 8 years of experience in the digital marketing field. She is an alumnus of the prestigious Welingkar Institute of Management & MET College of Pharmacy [Read more]

1 Comment

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