Free Digital Marketing Tutorial By Industry Experts For Beginners

Updated on: Sep 23, 2021

If you’re wondering how you can get started with learning digital marketing for free, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, you will get access to a free digital marketing tutorial to upskill yourself along with detailed insights into what the tutorial contains. 

But before we begin, let’s understand why learning digital marketing is extremely important? 

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

Digital marketing has taken the world by storm. It is using online tools and technology for marketing purposes. Be it any kind of business or industry, you need to market/promote your products to reach out to your customers because gone are the days when customers would approach brands. Today, there are so many competitors in each business niche that you need to stand out and marketing is one such business element that helps you create your mark on the audience. 

Previously, it was only traditional marketing. But now, Digital marketing has been giving tough competition to traditional methods of marketing, given the fact that many businesses have been shifting their efforts to online marketing. Why online marketing? Because that’s where most of the people are spending their time. And the ones who were not very tech-savvy have also transformed into one, all because of the pandemic. 

The scope of digital marketing is very vast. With the rise in demand for digital services, there has been a rise in job opportunities as well. Especially since the onset of the pandemic, a large number of people turned adversity into opportunity and upskilled.

So If you’re looking to upskill and wish to learn digital marketing, then you’re at the right place. We’re going to list out some digital marketing tutorials and resources which are absolutely FREE to use. 

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Free Digital Marketing Tutorial of 2022 

In the digital marketing world, an internet user spends an average of 7 hours of their day online. Thus it is important to understand consumer behaviour as well various digital marketing tools and channels to reach the right target audience. 

A basic understanding of digital marketing is very important. 

If you wish to start your own business or even shift your industry, then this free digital marketing tutorial that IIDE has to offer is perfect! It will give you direction as to how to start out.

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Karan Shah, the founder of IIDE, also a Harvard University alumni has an impressive portfolio by training 25000+ students and corporations online as well as offline making him an ideal expert to learn from. He has compiled this digital marketing tutorial for beginners so that they have a fair understanding of what they’re about to enter into.

Register for this masterclass and get started now! If you’d like to read what the tutorial contains, follow us to the next section. 

What will you learn in this Digital Marketing Tutorial? 

IIDE’s free digital marketing masterclass covers the fundamentals of digital marketing. How to choose the right platforms for potential customers, how to strategize and more. This insightful digital marketing tutorial will give you all the answers. This free digital marketing tutorial for beginners includes the following content –

  • Digital Marketing Basics

Beginning right from scratch is the goal of this tutorial. You will learn all the basics of digital marketing. Which are the best tools available to carry out different elements of digital marketing, the various components of digital marketing, how to make the best and optimum use of them and how to target the right customers for your product or service through online marketing.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics

How can you rank #1 on Google? The answer is SEO. SEO (search engine optimization) is an integral part of digital marketing. It is enhancing your page rankings on a search engine. You can do so by applying SEO techniques such as keyword research, content improvisation, etc. This masterclass will teach you why it is important to know SEO basics. SEO has 3 significant disciplines, namely on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. 

Bonus Read – How to do keyword research

  • Social Media Marketing

You gotta go where your users are and the best place to catch them all? Social media. Social media is where the users can be easily targeted. In this masterclass, you will learn how to target potential customers and convert them by using social media. The reach of social media is immense, hence it plays a big role in digital marketing. Having an upbeat social media handle with some engaging content with is relatable to your audience is a must. 

  • Paid online marketing

Paid ads by Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. are one of the best ways to target potential customers. In this masterclass, you’ll know which ads are available. Previously, ads were run on radios, TVs and billboards. Of course, they exist even today but an optimum and cost-effective option to that is digital ads. The reach offered is bigger. The specificity is very niche and the cost is very friendly. To give you an example, you can run ads targeting all 25-year-old women in South Mumbai who work in corporate offices and are fond of luxury items!

Did you just see what happened there? You invested money only into those prospects who have the highest chances of converting and that too in any part of the world. 

  • How to target the right audience with ads

Investing money in convincing the wrong people is the biggest mistake one can make. When it comes to paid marketing, targeting the right audience is extremely important. In the masterclass, you’ll identify how to target the right people, at the right time and place.

  • Remarketing

30% of sales are clocked in through remarketing and thus remarketing is very important to digital marketing. Essentially, it is reminding people who have previously interacted with your website or social media to make a purchase or simply make them aware of your brand. It is a great way to build brand visibility and credibility as well. Why do marketers love remarketing? Because the convincing required here is lesser. All you need to do is give a nudge to the user deeper into the funnel. 

In this masterclass, we touch base upon the power of remarketing. Also, if you want to grab some quick insights into remarketing, refer to our complete guide on remarketing

  • Online Reputation Management

Your image on the Internet can make or break your game. For any business or company to sustain itself, building a rapport with the client is very important. In order to do this, customer satisfaction needs to be maintained and a positive impression in people’s minds needs to be maintained. In fact, there are various tools that help with ORM too. Also, it is not always about maintaining a positive image, ORM  also comes in handy when you need to face some crisis situation like online backlash, etc. 

In this masterclass, you’ll learn about effective online reputation management.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing SEM refers to and refers to paid ads on a search engine. For example, Google displays various ads on their SERPs (search engine result pages). SEM needs to be a fundamental part of your digital marketing strategy and this masterclass will equip you with basic knowledge.

While SEO is a long-term effort and helps you in ranking organically, SEM helps you climb the ladder a bit faster. You pay for certain keywords and secure your place in the ad section. You can also run ads on third-party websites where your potential audience is surfing! Further, you can catch your audience while they’re watching their favourite videos on Youtube too! 

  • Organic results

Any results without paid effort are organic. It requires more effort but in time and with the right efforts, your company can grow organically. 

  • Budget

It’s never about spending more. It is always about spending correctly. In this masterclass, our experts will guide you on how to set and allocate your budget for maximum results. The best part about digital marketing is that it can be worked within the least and the maximum possible budgets. So there’s an opportunity for every size of business. 

  • Social Media Ads

Social media has been a powerful tool to display ads to consumers. This masterclass will make you understand what Facebook and Instagram ads are and how to use them.

  • How to Create an Ad

The masterclass is very practical as well as there is a step-by-step guide to creating a Facebook ad. Running ads on social media may sound easy but in reality, it is a bit tricky. Understanding the dashboard and being fully aware of the opportunities and features is very crucial before you begin. 

  • Email marketing

Email is the next most checked app on phones after WhatsApp. Thus, email marketing is a very important channel in digital marketing. This masterclass will help you understand this area better and how Emails can help your business. Here’s a quick tip from us: If you’re just starting out and need an email marketing tool for free, consider using Mail Chimp. It is one of the best tools out there which also offers 10,000 free emails per month. 

  • Mobile Marketing

The power of SMS in marketing will be touched upon during the masterclass. We may think that SMSes have become outdated but they still hold significance and it should be a part of your marketing strategies. 

Other Digital Marketing Tutorials & Masterclasses – Free 

1. Free Masterclass on How to Start eCommerce Business

This is a detailed step-by-step video guide on how to start an eCommerce business successfully in just under 40 minutes. Learn how you can build your eCommerce store and sell products to people across the globe.

2. Free Masterclass on Instagram Marketing Strategy

Watch this Masterclass to learn how you can leverage the power of Instagram Marketing to grow your brand. Learn the secret Instagram Marketing strategies that truly work for every business that wants to go online today.

Live Digital Marketing Tutorials & Masterclasses Every Saturday

IIDE conducts live digital marketing tutorials and super sessions every Saturday with the industry’s top leaders, CXO’s and more. They talk about various digital marketing success stories and implementation hacks. If you’d like to learn more about digital marketing and keep yourself up with the trends – Register Here

Find More Digital Marketing Tutorials on YouTube

YouTube is undoubtedly one of the best resources when it comes to learning anything new and widening your horizon. 

You can find a plethora of digital marketing tutorials and resources on IIDE’s Youtube channel. IIDE’s team of experts and trainers talk about various digital marketing hacks, tips and tricks every week. 

So, if you’re interested in being updated with the latest resources, subscribe to IIDE’s YouTube Channel now! 

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Q. How can I teach myself digital marketing?

There are many ways you could teach yourself digital marketing. You can enrol yourself for a short online course, learn from tutorials and read books. There are many options available today. We recommend that you learn and apply those skills practically as well to absorb them better.

Q. What are the 7 types of digital marketing?

The 7 types of digital marketing include – 

  • Content marketing
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Search engine optimization 
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Analytics

Read more about all the types of digital marketing here

Q. What is digital marketing step by step?

Here’s how you start your digital marketing journey, step-by-step:-

  • Define your goals
  • Identify your target audience
  • Define consumer demographics
  • Outline your budget
  • Select the digital marketing channels you want to use
  • Market research
  • Set up your channels 
  • Identify keywords 
  • Go live with SEO and PPC campaigns

Q. Is digital marketing easy?

One can learn digital marketing easily if they have the seeking spirit to learn. One can learn the basics and then learn practical applications on the job. It is a broad field with many types of tools, strategies, and channels to learn about. Since it is fast-changing, it is important to keep up-to-date.


If you’re a professional, do check out our MBA – Level Post Graduation in Digital Marketing. This can boost your career and help you climb up the ladder. It also offers assured placements and career guidance from industry experts. 

If you feel this is a huge time commitment for you, IIDE’s 4-month comprehensive digital marketing online course is perfect for you. 

We hope that you enjoyed reading our blog. If there are any more questions you’d like us to answer, do let us know in the comments section below!

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Meherzad Karanjia

Ex Chief Learning Officer, IIDE

He has over 19 years of experience in the Digital Marketing and Design space. He is someone who understands all the elements of the Digital gamut ranging from User Experience, Graphics Design, SEO, SEM, Analytics, Media Planning.....[Read full bio]


  1. Ramya

    This is amazing blog about digital marketing. It helped me learn a lot about digital marketing. keep posting.

  2. Zaid

    While reading information about Best Digital Marketing Tutorial. It is the best, as per my recommendation

  3. Rhea Mathew

    Is IIDE The Best Digital Marketing Tutorial?

  4. pradyumn sahare

    Great article! It offers a thorough overview of free digital marketing resources and their importance. The detailed breakdown of tutorials and tools is incredibly helpful for beginners seeking to upskill.


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