31 Ideas That’ll Help You Put Out the Best for YouTube Channels

Updated on: Aug 27, 2024

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Creating the best content for YouTube channels involves understanding what engages viewers. Popular formats include how-to guides, personal finance tips, etc. Each category attracts a dedicated audience looking for entertainment, information, or advice. The key is to know one’s audience, create high-quality videos, optimise, and adapt based on what viewers engage with.

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Dreaming of a million subscribers? In today’s competitive YouTube landscape, creating best content for YouTube channels is the key to success. This blog will equip you with the tools and strategies to craft viral content that captivates your audience and propels your channel to the top.

Get ready to dive deep into the world of YouTube content creation and discover what it takes to stand out from the crowd!


First Things First…What is YouTube Content?

YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing platform, enabling users to create, upload, and watch various types of content for YouTube on a broad range of subjects. Launched in 2005, YouTube allows individuals, brands, and businesses to connect with global audiences through visual content. The platform hosts a vast array of video genres ranging from educational tutorials and entertainment clips to vlogs and documentaries.

One of the best ways to succeed on YouTube is creating unique content for YouTube that resonates with your target audience. Whether you’re focusing on tutorials, reviews, or entertainment, standing out in a crowded space requires originality and consistency. Additionally, YouTube offers creators the opportunity to monetise their content through advertisements, sponsorships, and other revenue streams once they build a substantial subscriber base.

As a result, YouTube has evolved from a simple video-hosting site into a dynamic space for social interaction, creativity, and content marketing. With its extensive reach, boasting over 2 billion active users monthly, YouTube has become a prime platform for people and companies to express themselves, build communities, and tap into global trends. Whether you’re aiming to entertain, educate, or sell, YouTube provides the perfect environment for sharing YouTube content while offering rich analytics to help optimise content strategies.

Is Creating YouTube Content Worth Your Time?

Absolutely! Here’s why…

Every month, YouTube has over 2.7 billion active users.


Over one billion hours of content are watched on YouTube content every day by users.


Over 500 hours of new content for YouTube is added every minute.


At home, 75% of consumers use their mobile devices to watch the top content on YouTube.


8/10 marketers consider YouTube content to be one of the best channels for advertising their products or services.

P.S. Want to know how different companies market their products on YouTube? Check out our digital marketing blogs and digital marketing case studies.

Given the amount of time individuals spend on YouTube across various devices, the variety of videos they view is diverse and unique. This variation reflects the fact that YouTube users range in age and demographic. The platform accommodates a wide range of interests and preferences.

Bonus tip: If you are someone who is interested in or wants to make a career in the field of digital marketing, pursuing an MBA in Digital Marketing can be a great option for you. It will not only help boost your career but also open up many job opportunities in this thriving field.

Let us now dive into the YouTube channel category that will be most profitable in 2024.

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31 Ideas That’ll Help You Create the Best Content for YouTube Channels

Now before we dive into the list, check out these shocking statistics related to video marketing!

Here’s a list of some of the best and easiest content for YouTube channels:

1. ‘How to’ Guides

Best content for YouTube Channels - Image with the words 'How to make a Youtube Video' On it

Source: Google

There are many ways of learning, and with so many methods available today, everybody chooses a combination of visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic ways of learning. How-to guides are a great virtual learning experience both, visually and audibly. As such, they are often considered to be popular content on YouTube.

2. Personal Finance Videos

best content for youtube channels - personal finance guide image

Source: Google

Another on our list of the ‘best content for YouTube’ is none other than personal finance videos. Everybody wants to get educated about how to grow wealth and improve their personal finances. This is a great way of establishing authority in the finance world and imparting knowledge to users. You can invite finance gurus as guests to your channel as well to guide your audience.

3. Celebrity Gossip

best content for youtube channels - Image of three celebrities

Source: Google

Another great option for YouTube content is celebrity gossip. Newspapers and magazines have survived on celebrity gossip for many years. It has now become a profitable business for YouTube channels. The TMZ celebrity channel is a good example of this.

4. Product Reviews

best content for youtube channels - Image of woman holding a sheet with the words 'customer review' written on it

Source: Google

Product reviews are often considered to be the top content on YouTube. With so much awareness, users want to make an informed decision before making a purchase. From makeup products like Lakme to high-value products like luxury cars like Audi, YouTube is a great place to review these products.

People want to see how the makeup looks and if the interiors of the car are up to the mark so that they can make the correct purchasing decision. Shreya Jain and Malvika Sitlani are fabulous Indian YouTuber’s and we highly recommend following them for tips on creating the best content for YouTube.

If you want a more structured list of tips and tricks, you could also enrol in our digital marketing courses in delhi or digital marketing courses in south delhi.

We also recommend our digital marketing courses in nagpur if that’s something that’s more interesting to you.

5. Vlogs

best content for youtube channels - daily vlog image

Source: Google

Taking the No. 5 spot on our list of ideas for the best content for YouTube is know other than a vlog. For the unaware, a vlog is short for a video blog. It talks about how you spent your time during a particular experience. Once you have a good following, you can start vlogging about your life with product reviews as well.

Want a fabulous example of a vlog? IIDE, which has the best digital marketing course online, teaches its students how to vlog as part of their course curriculum.

You can enrol in their programme to learn more. Of course, if you don’t want to make a huge commitment, you can always watch IIDE’s free instagram marketing course and apply the same tips and tricks to your YouTube Channel.

6. Educational Videos

best content for youtube channels - Image of a person looking at a laptop

Source: Google

Have you ever wondered, ‘What type of content is best for YouTube?’ Educational videos are your answer. Many students today turn to YouTube for educational guidance. They find it helpful to have all the information they need before even consulting a career counsellor. You can select your niche and also include student experiences. Check out IIDE’s YouTube channel to understand how experts teach digital marketing on YouTube.

And if you want something a little more specific, then we highly recommend checking out our make money from home free masterclass

7. Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos basically refer to a haul and review video. It’s a 21st-century concept where the audience watches another person open a box of products and gives them a first-hand impression before moving into a review. Not only are these videos easy to make but they are also considered to be unique content for YouTube.

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8. Gaming Videos

best content for youtube channels - Image of a man playing games

Source: Google

The best content for YouTube channels is a gaming walkthrough. As indicated by its name, these types of videos basically show a person walking through the game and unlocking different levels or giving their impression as a gamer.

9. Skincare

best content for youtube channels - Image of skincare with the words 'skincare routine' written on it

Source: Google

A skincare channel is similar to a special TV programme on YouTube where individuals discuss how to care for their skin. They offer advice on how to use various products, demonstrate how to maintain healthy skin, and discuss which products are excellent and which are not – Now, if that doesn’t scream ‘popular content on YouTube’, we don’t know what will.

Apart from these, a skincare channel may offer more than just skincare advice. It can also have product reviews, how-to videos for specific skincare products, and natural or do-it-yourself skincare solutions. All these things together provide a wide range of content to help viewers on their skincare journey.

So, if you’re wondering how to create the best content for YouTube, starting a channel dedicated to skincare is bound to get you there.

Fun fact: Many beauty gurus use their skincare channels to market different products. It’s one of the reasons why YouTube marketing is considered to be an important part of learning digital marketing.

10. Cooking

best content for youtube channels - Chef showing how to cook a dish

Source: Google

No. 10 on our list of ideas for the best content for YouTube is a cooking channel.

If you work in the culinary industry, consider starting a cooking channel where you may periodically highlight items or services. Alternatively, if you enjoy cooking and want to share your talents and experience, creating your own YouTube channel might be a rewarding enterprise to pursue.

Once you understand your target audience’s preferences, you may produce a series of recipes targeted to various needs, such as quick and easy meals ideal for those living in PGs or hostels.

Want to learn how to market your channel? Enrol in our digital marketing certification course now.

11. Art

best content for youtube channels - How to viral art videos

Source: Google

In our opinion, art videos are the best content for YouTube. Creating an Art channel on YouTube for fellow artists is an exciting idea for anybody who is passionate about creativity.

It not only allows you to display your artistic technique but also allows you to exchange useful art instructions, establishing a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a novice, an Art channel serves as a blank canvas on which to express yourself, find inspiration, and experiment with various creative styles.

12. Travel Videos

Travel videos remain some of the best content for YouTube due to their wide appeal and immersive visuals. Whether showcasing hidden gems in your local city or documenting exotic locations abroad, travel content for a YouTube channel offers viewers a virtual adventure.

Here, we recommend sharing itineraries, tips, and personal experiences, so that you can produce unique content for YouTube that inspires and informs. To stand out in this niche, focus on offering something distinct, such as budget-friendly travel hacks, cultural insights, or off-the-beaten-path destinations.

13. Music Videos

Music is universally loved, making it an evergreen category for YouTube content. Whether you’re covering popular songs, producing original tracks, or creating music tutorials, this niche allows you to cater to a wide audience. Music channels thrive by offering videos that resonates emotionally with viewers. So, if you want to create unique content for YouTube, look no further than this space.

14. Comedy Videos

Comedy videos are some of the most shared and widely enjoyed types of content for YouTube channels. Whether it’s sketches, stand-up routines, or humorous takes on current events, well-crafted comedy can rapidly gain traction.

This niche offers ample opportunities for creativity, allowing creators to infuse their personality into creating the best content for YouTube that is both, entertaining and memorable. To succeed, focus on staying relevant while delivering consistent laughs, making your channel one of the best content for YouTube in the comedy space.

14. Reaction Videos

best content for youtube channels - reaction videos

Source: Google

Reaction videos have become immensely popular, providing viewers with immediate responses to trending topics, viral clips, or new releases.

As a form of YouTube content, these videos work because they blend relatability with entertainment. By offering your genuine reactions, paired with thoughtful commentary, you can produce some of the best content for YouTube. In fact, we’d even go so far as to say that this genre allows creators to quickly join in on trending topics while providing a personal touch to their content for the YouTube channel.

15. Bloopers

best content for youtube channels - bloopers

Source: Google

Bloopers give viewers a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the unpolished moments during video production. They humanise the creator and offer a fun, candid perspective that many find appealing.

For those looking to create the best content for YouTube in a light-hearted and engaging manner, bloopers are an excellent option. Whether paired with regular videos or shared as standalone compilations, these videos add variety and authenticity to your YouTube content, making it more relatable and enjoyable for your audience.

16. Explainer Videos

Want to simplify complex ideas or products for your audience? Explainer videos are your key to creating the best content for YouTube.

These videos are typically short and focus on breaking down information into digestible, visual content. By offering value and actionable insights, explainer videos can highlight your knowledge and build trust with viewers. Incorporating engaging visuals and straightforward narration ensures that your explainer video stands out as unique content for YouTube.

17. A Day in the Life

best content for youtube channels - a day in my life image

Source: Google

‘A Day in the Life’ videos are popular for offering an authentic glimpse into someone’s daily routine, making them excellent YouTube content. Whether you’re a professional, a student, or an entrepreneur, sharing your daily experiences can resonate with audiences who relate to your lifestyle or are curious about it.

This type of content for YouTube not only offers entertainment but also gives viewers a personal connection, which often leads to higher engagement. With consistency, this can be some of the best content for YouTube for creators looking to build a loyal following.

18. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos are a fun and interactive way to engage your audience, making them one of the most engaging forms of content for YouTube.

From trending internet challenges to custom challenges you create, these videos often go viral due to their shareable and entertaining nature. They provide an opportunity for audience participation and collaboration with other content creators.

Crafting your own challenges or putting a unique twist on existing ones makes your video fall under the ‘unique content for YouTube’ category, ensuring it captures the attention of a wide audience.

19. Video Editing

best content for youtube channels - Thumbnail of a video editing video with the words 'Beginner to Pro' written on it

Source: Google

Video editing tutorials are highly sought after as many aspiring creators want to improve their content production skills. Providing tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides on how to edit videos effectively can position you as an expert in this field.

In order to create the best content for YouTube, we highly recommend covering different editing software, techniques, and hacks.

20. Tech Reviews

best content for youtube channels - Image of a camera next to an unboxed phone

Source: Google

Tech reviews have become a staple of YouTube content. Whether it’s the latest smartphones, gadgets, or software, tech enthusiasts turn to YouTube for informed opinions before making a purchase.

Delivering detailed, honest, and insightful reviews can help you build credibility in the tech community. By focusing on both high-demand products and niche tech items, you can create unique content for YouTube that appeals to a tech-savvy audience.

Consistent quality and authenticity in your tech reviews can turn your channel into a trusted source of information, contributing to the best content for YouTube in the tech genre.

21. Advice and Tips Videos

Advice and tips videos are among the best content for YouTube channels and are sure to help you build a loyal audience. Whether it’s life hacks, career guidance, or practical tips for everyday challenges, these videos offer immense value to viewers seeking solutions.

What’s more, creating YouTube content that offers actionable advice not only positions you as an expert but also attracts an audience genuinely interested in your insights.

If you’re looking to provide unique content for YouTube, focusing on niche areas or targeting specific demographics can help set your channel apart.

22. AI Videos

AI-focused videos are gaining popularity rapidly due to the swift advancements in artificial intelligence and its widespread integration across multiple industries.

AI videos not only cater to tech enthusiasts but also engage professionals looking to stay updated with the latest innovations. With its blend of futuristic tech and practical applications, AI-related YouTube content can serve as both informative and engaging.

23. Animated Storytimes

Want to make creative and unique content for YouTube? Animated storytimes offer a visually engaging way to share personal experiences, fictional tales, or even educational stories.

The combination of compelling narratives with vibrant animations makes this format appealing to a broad audience, especially younger viewers. Whether humorous or thought-provoking, these videos add a dynamic element to your content for YouTube channel and help build a community of engaged subscribers.

24. ASMR

best content for youtube channels - Image of a woman playing with candy next to a microphone

Source: Google

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos have gained massive popularity for their calming and therapeutic effects. These videos feature soothing sounds, such as soft whispers, tapping, and rustling, which many viewers find relaxing.

ASMR videos represent some of the best content for YouTube when it comes to niche audiences. By focusing on creating YouTube content that helps viewers de-stress or sleep better, you can tap into a dedicated and growing community. Offering a unique auditory experience makes this format stand out as highly engaging content for YouTube channels.

25. Collaboration Videos

best content for youtube channels - two influencers collaborating with each other

Source: Google

Collaboration videos allow creators to tap into each other’s audiences, creating a win-win situation for all involved. Whether it’s collaborating with other YouTubers, influencers, or even industry experts, these videos provide fresh perspectives and engaging dialogue.

For creators, this is an effective way to produce unique content for YouTube that feels dynamic and authentic. Collaboration videos are versatile, whether you’re working on challenges, interviews, or joint projects, and they consistently rank among the best content for YouTube channels looking to expand their reach.

26. Craft Tutorials

best content for youtube channels - Image of different crafting tools

Source: Google

Skilled in DIY projects, handmade crafts, or creative designs? Craft tutorials are your secret to creating the best content for YouTube. These videos typically show step-by-step instructions for making something from scratch, offering viewers a unique learning experience.

Whether it’s making home décor items or personalised gifts, craft tutorials are top content on YouTube for those who enjoy hands-on activities. They also attract a broad audience, from beginners to seasoned crafters, making them a great choice for new content for YouTube channels.

27. Culture

Culture-based videos have established themselves as popular content on YouTube, especially those that dive into traditions, customs, or even explorations of different communities.

These videos often highlight unique aspects of various cultures worldwide, making them some of YouTube’s best content for educational and awareness purposes. Whether showcasing local festivals, traditional attire, or unique rituals, culture videos offer insightful content that appeals to a global audience.

28. Dance

best content for youtube channels - Couple dancing

Source: Google

Dance videos remain some of the best YouTube content, as they engage viewers with energetic performances, choreography tutorials, and creative routines.

Whether you’re showcasing classical dance, hip-hop, or trending styles, dance content is always in demand. Starting a channel with dance videos is a brilliant idea if you’re looking to tap into trends and produce new content for YouTube that consistently garners views.

29. Meeting the Team

‘Meet the Team’ videos, which are a brilliant way to introduce the people behind your brand or business, make for some of the best content for YouTube channels focused on company culture.

These videos give your audience a glimpse of the team members and their roles, helping to build trust and a more personal connection with your brand.

Trust us, YouTube’s best content often revolves around storytelling, and introducing your team can humanise your business while providing insights into your work environment. This type of content works well for both small startups and large corporations.

30. Product Showcase or Announcement

Product showcases or announcement videos are a staple in the world of top content on YouTube, especially for businesses that are launching new products or services.

These videos focus on demonstrating features, benefits, and the value of the product, making them the best YouTube content for potential customers. They’re an excellent way to drive interest and engagement while sharing what type of content is best for YouTube to convert leads into buyers.

31. Event Announcement

Announcing upcoming events through video is another example of popular content on YouTube that helps build excitement and anticipation.

Using visual storytelling, these videos can convey key details like dates, venues, and special features, making them best content for YouTube channels aiming to keep their community engaged.

An engaging event announcement video can set the tone and encourage viewers to participate, making it a strong strategy for new content for YouTube.

32. Webinar

Webinars are educational and informative, making them the top content options on YouTube for channels focused on professional development, training, or industry insights.

These videos often provide in-depth knowledge on specific topics, making them highly valued by viewers seeking expertise. Hosting a live or recorded webinar also positions your brand as an authority in your niche, offering new content for YouTube that’s both informative and engaging.

Webinar videos are ideal for those aiming to create best YouTube content that can be repurposed across multiple platforms.


Tips for Beginners and New YouTube Channels

If you’re just getting started with your YouTube journey, here are some essential tips and tricks to set you on the right path:

1. Clarify Your Purpose

Before diving into content creation, take a moment to reflect on your channel’s purpose. Are you here to share expertise, showcase your talent, or build a brand? Understanding why you’re creating content will help you stay focused and craft videos that align with your goals. Once your purpose is clear, you can strategise effectively.

2. Get Verified

After setting up your YouTube account, verify it right away! Verification unlocks key features like custom thumbnails that make your videos more appealing and clickable. It’s a quick step that boosts your channel’s professional look.

3. Make an Eye-Catching Banner

Your banner is like your channel’s shop window – it’s the first thing visitors see. A well-designed, visually engaging banner can make someone pause, explore, and hit that subscribe button. Make it count by reflecting your channel’s style and value.

4. Know Your Niche Audience

Tailor your content to directly address your target audience. Dive into your niche, find out what topics resonate with them, and create value-packed videos. When you understand their needs, you can position yourself as the go-to expert in that space.

5. Just Start Creating

The biggest hurdle is often getting started. Don’t wait for perfection – hit record and put your content out there! You’ll improve with time, but you won’t make progress if you never take that first step.

6. Don’t Stress Over Video Gear

Many new creators get hung up on having the perfect equipment. Start with what you have – even if it’s just your smartphone. Focus more on delivering great content rather than obsessing over production quality. You can upgrade later when it’s truly needed.

7. Keep It Simple with Audio

While audio is crucial, don’t let it become a roadblock. If your content is engaging, viewers will overlook minor audio imperfections. Once your channel gains momentum, investing in a microphone can be a worthwhile step.

8. Master YouTube SEO

Remember, YouTube is also a search engine! Learning SEO basics is key to discovering your videos. Research relevant keywords, optimise your titles, descriptions, and tags, and see your visibility grow. It’s one of the smartest moves you can make.

9. Track Your Progress with Analytics

Your channel’s analytics are a goldmine of insights. Regularly check your metrics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to tweak your strategy and make better content decisions moving forward.

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FAQs About the Best Content for YouTube Channels

Q1. What is the best content for YouTube channels in 2024?

Trending content includes how-to guides, personal vlogs, product reviews, educational videos, and challenges. These formats consistently engage audiences and can help your channel grow quickly.

Q2. How do I find the best content ideas for my YouTube channel?

Research your niche, check trending topics, and use tools like Google Trends or YouTube’s search suggestions. Focus on ideas that align with both your expertise and audience interests.

Q3. What type of content is best for new YouTube channels?

For new channels, educational videos, tutorials, and problem-solving content perform well. They’re highly searchable and attract viewers looking for specific information.

Q4. How often should I post the best content for YouTube channels?

Consistency is key. Posting once or twice a week with high-quality content helps build momentum and keeps your audience engaged.

Q5. Can trending topics help produce the best content for YouTube channels?

Yes, capitalising on trending topics or challenges can boost visibility. However, ensure the content is relevant to your niche and offers unique value.

Q6. What’s the best way to engage viewers with YouTube content?

Create content that’s relatable, solves problems, or entertains. Engaging thumbnails, catchy titles, and clear calls-to-action like “subscribe” or “comment” also help.

Q7. How can I optimise my content for YouTube search?

Use relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags. Create engaging thumbnails, and focus on audience retention by delivering value quickly within your videos.

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Dishika Sopariya

Passionate to learn new things.

1 Comment

  1. Heena Shinde

    Nice Blog…. This is really amazing. Great information about How to Create the Best Content for Youtube.

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